Friday, 30 December 2016

Climate change

The first step is recognize it

The opinion that the climate change is happening, that we are causing it, that it will bring terrible consequences during the next decades and that we have to do something to prevent it is increasing.

But, as it happens in Alcoholics Anonymous, recognizing the problem is just the first step to solve the problem. 

 Climate Change Summit

During the last years, many summits and agreements about the Climate Change have been proposed, like the famous Kyoto Protocol, where many countries agreed to reduce greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere, but these agreements are not very ambitious and important countries like the United States have not ratified them. 

There are other iniciatives, like the Earth Hour, where we are encouraged to turn off our non-essential lights for one hour, that are basically symbolic and quite irrelevant if we want to concern about energy consumption reduction. 

Why aren't we doing anything to prevent the climate change?

Because it is not a priority. Still today, our priorities are earning more money and acquiring more products. If preventing the climate change endangers these priorities, we would stop any important iniciative against the climate change. 

And probably, the climate change will affect seriously our life-style. 

Anyone of us driving our car? Oups, not anymore. 

Taking a flight to the other side of the world to expend our holidays? Just a dream. 

Food of all around the world in the closest supermarket? That was before we had to concern in the future of the Mankind. 

Who will suggest this actions to the population? 

Who will refrain from keeping a confortable life-style to prevent climate change? specially if we can't expect others to do the same. 

And then, what will it happen with the climate change?

As usual, we won't assume the problem until we suffer its terrible consequences, not before. 

Indeed, nowadays our lifes are quite normal. The main problems we are concerned about are those economical, political or personal ones. 

At least it looks like this. During the years 2006-2010 there was a severe drought in the Middle East region. And then, the Arab spring, the Syrian Civil war and the refugees crisis. Was it the fault of the climate change? Maybe, as it is stated that it will bring periods of severe droughts in that regions. 

In the futur, if the climate change threat becomes real, many heavily populated regions will suffer lack of drink water and the production of food can be affected too, and many coastal regions can be flooded. 

As we are not good at managing the decreasing of our life standards, these situation could bring instability, conflicts and huge migrations around. 

In small amounts, maybe this is already happening.

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